CIS 192: Python Programming

Git Reference

Git is extremely powerful open source version control software. It is used in some capacity by most developers and organizations in the world as a means to collaborate and back up code. Certain offerings for Git hosting are Bitbucket and Github, but you can even host Git on your own servers! In this class, you will be expected to learn how to use Github in the most basic capacity.

Install Git

The easiest way to install Git on your computer is by following the instructions available on the official Git website.

Git Basics

A repository is a bucket of files (code or otherwise). Code within the repository is tracked, which means that changes to files are recorded in a way that lets us recreate them or undo them. This enables us to collaborate with others.

Code that is stored on GitHub is what's known as a remote repository. If you run git init in a folder, you can create a new Git repository that has no history. This is known as a local repository. When you want to sync your local repository and your remote repository, you perform a command known as pushing.

Cloning Homework Repository

Cloning a Git repository creates a local copy of the remote repository.

Run git clone to download all the homework skeleton files and specifications. Keep this folder up to date by calling git pull origin master whenever you see a post on Piazza to do so.

Creating Repositories

Coming soon!

Additional Resources

Below are a list of helpful resources in case you have any Git-related questions:

  1. Interactive tutorial:
  2. A Git commands cheat sheet:
  3. Messed something up? Check out:

And that's all, folks!

These notes were written by Arun Kirubarajan. All rights reserved.

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