CIS 192: Python Programming

Relational Databases and Security

Intermediate Django

In this lecture, we dive deeper into the functionality of Django by building a simple note-taking application. However, using our knowledge from last week, this shouldn’t be too difficult. What makes this section interesting are two things:

  1. Using form data to accept user input
  2. Using Django’s authentication system to implement user accounts

These notes include the code (available on the course website) for you to replicate by following along these notes.

Project Initialization

We install Django through pip by using pip install django. This package will be installed locally on your computer. If you want to learn about virtual envrionments for python packages and dependencies, feel free to learn more. Then, we can create a new Django project by running django-admin startproject notes. We can then cd into the folder and run python runserver to view a cute splash screen at localhost:8000 on any browser, confirming our project works. Next, we can create an app named core that contains all the features for our app using python startapp core.

The flat app architecture is sometimes favoured in the community and is used by organizations such as DoorDash. For educational purposes, it’s useful to simplify all the Django boilerplate this way. Let’s add this app to our INSTALLED_APPS in notes/ by adding an element to the array named 'core'.

Basic Views and Templates

Let’s get a basic “hello world” page running. First, we must consider what URL route we want our page to be displayed on. Then, we must create a view function that is invoked when the route is accessed which renders some HTML file. Finally, we must create the HTML template itself. Let’s implement these in reverse order to gain a better understanding.

Let’s first create a splash page for our restaurant. Create a folder named templates in our core folder. Create a file called splash.html in core/templates containing:

<h1> My Notes </h1>

{% for note in notes %}
{% endfor %}

Feel free to open up the file in your favourite web browser to see how the page looks. You should see the heading with the raw HTML code for now, including the curly brackets used for Django syntax. Next, let’s define a view in core/ Add the following code to after the imports:

def splash(request):
    return render(request, "splash.html", {})

Assign a route to this view by opening notes/ and importing the view we wrote by adding from core.views import splash to the top of the file. Finally, we specify the route by appending the route, view and name to the urlpatterns list the route specification:

urlpatterns = [
    path('', splash, name='splash'),

Finally, if we open our browser to localhost:8000, we should see our splash page! For now, it will contain just the heading, since we do not have any notes in our database yet.

Defining and Querying Notes

Let’s define a simple notes model in core/

class Note(models.Model):
    title = models.CharField(max_length=200)
    body = models.TextField()
    created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True)
    author = models.ForeignKey(User, on_delete=models.DO_NOTHING)

The only particularly interesting thing model field about this Note model is the ForeignKey field. A foreign key in a relational database is a link from one model (or table) to another. This structures the data in a relational way so that querying each note won’t just return an author id, but the author object itself. This is one of the benefits of using a relationship database: simple querying of multiple models that have relations.

Note that this foreign key makes a reference to the predefined User object (which is what createsuperuser creates and the focus of this lecture). As such we have to import it by adding from django.contrib.auth.models import User to the top of the models file.

In our core/ file, let’s query the Note model as before by importing the model using from core.models import Note. Then, let’s get all the instances in the splash view by using notes = Note.objects.all() inside our splash function/view. We pass all the notes through to the view as usual: return render(request, "splash.html", {"notes": notes}).

Add the Note model to our admin page in, register the Note model, and create a superuser using python createsuperuser. It will prompt your for username, email, and password. Now, login to the admin page and create a few notes at localhost:8000/admin and make sure they show up on our splash view for a quick sanity check.

Our app is now in a similar state of functionality to our previous restaurant app. However, it would be nice to incorporate some sense of identity using accounts. In the following sections, we’ll extend this application to work with user input to create accounts and new notes.

Working with Form Data

Let’s start by adding a way for us to accept user input to create new notes (without authentication required). To do this, let’s add a form to our splash page in splash.html that looks like this:

<form method="POST" action="/">
    {% csrf_token %}
    <p>Create Note</p>
    <input name="title" placeholder="title" />
    <input name="body" placeholder="body" />
    <input type="submit" value="Create"/>

A form in HTML is a way to obtain user input. It operates by defining fields with unique names (that will eventually correspond to variable names in Python) and a submit field that will make either a GET or POST request to a specific route defined using the method and action parameters.

Something also interesting is the inclusion of a {% csrf_token %}, which is a security measure that prevents other sites from making requests to POST / on our behalf.

Note that in this case, we’re making a POST request to the / route, which we already use to render a template, accepting a GET request by default. Let’s edit our splash view to handle a possible POST request before rendering a template. We can do this by checking if request.method is equal to “POST” before handling our associated post logic. In particular, we can retrieve our POST request parameters by using the dictionary request.POST. Let’s print out the note title and body as following in our splash view:

if request.method == "POST":
    print(request.POST["title"], request.POST["body"])

Now that we have the POST parameters, we can create a new note as following (inside the if statement):

title = request.POST["title"]
body = request.POST["body"]
Note.objects.create(title=title, body=body, author=request.user)

We finally redirect the user after creating a new note. It’s important that we are logged in through the admin page in order to have a logged in user to set the foreign key of each note.

This application could be finished, but now we have these global notes that are accessible to everybody. To make it more private, we'll start incorporating user accounts into the mix. Previously, we've created accounts using createsuperuser and logged in using the admin page. In this section, we'll create custom forms for logging in and signing up and we can programmatically manage user account states!

Logging in and Logging out

We are finally able to accept user input to use Django’s robust authentication system. We’ll want to create a view that handles both rendering the login/signup forms as well as process their inputs. First, we will create a template at core/templates/accounts.html containing:

<h1>Sign Up</h1>
<form method="POST" action="/signup">
    {% csrf_token %}
    <input name="username" placeholder="username" />
    <input name="email" placeholder="email" />
    <input name="password" placeholder="password" type="password" />
    <input type="submit" />

<h1>Log In</h1>
<form method="POST" action="/login">
    {% csrf_token %}
    <input name="username" placeholder="username" />
    <input name="password" placeholder="password" type="password" />
    <input type="submit" />

These are forms that will be used for creating new users and logging users in, respectively. The placeholder element is just to be nice to our users, telling them what each field is for. The actually important thing to notice the name attribute on each input as this is what serves as the key to index into the request.POST dictionary.

Next, We’ll import the authenticate and login functions from Django with from django.contrib.auth import authenticate, login in Then we’ll create a view named login_view containing:

def login_view(request):
    if request.method == "POST":
        username = request.POST["username"]
        password = request.POST["password"]
        user = authenticate(username=username, password=password)
        if user is not None:
            login(request, user)
            return redirect("/")
    return render(request, 'accounts.html', {})

If the method is POST, then we know we need to be logging in the user after a form submission. Thus, we take the variables for username and password (which is all Django needs to verify a user) and pass them to the authenticate function. This function returns a user object if the username/password combination was valid and None otherwise. If the username/password was valid, then we actually log the user in and redirect them home. (It’s good practice to display some error back to the user!) If the request is a GET method, we just render the HTML template.

Logout is a very simple view, where we use the logout function which we imported from django.contrib.auth. We make sure to redirect back to the login page after a successful logout.

def logout_(request):
    return redirect("/login")

We can test these views out (after creating their corresponding URLs) with our admin user!

Signup and Registration

Now, we need to give users the ability to create their own users, instead of relying on the createsuperuser command. To do this, we import the User model from Django’s core library with from django.contrib.auth.models import User and call create_user on the supplied arguments. This is implemented as follows:

def signup_view(request):
	user = User.objects.create_user(username=request.POST['username'],
	login(request, user)
	return redirect('/')

Essentially, we just create the user and log them in, same as in our login_view view. Notice that create_user actually returns the user for us to login. In fact, all create functions from Django’s ORM will return the created object. This is useful for adding the object as a foreign key after instantiation, for example.

And that is all! This is how simple Django authentication with a relational database system can be.

User-Specifc Behaviour

Now, we can implement some functionality that depends on the user's account state, for example deleting posts.

Let's start with the simplest account-specific behaviour: some sort of data encapsulation. When we are not logged in, we should see a link to the accounts page. When we are logged in, we should see only the notes that we created!

For detecting if an account is logged in or not, we can use the {% if user.is_authenticated %} directive. Let's add an if-else clause to our HTML (weird, I know) by using the above conditional and including a {% else %} clause, ended with a {% endif %} directive.

If the user isn't logged in (the else clause), then we can render <a href="/login">Log In</a>, and if we are logged in then, we can render the notes as before. Notice that we can use if-else clauses in our code (even with standard booleans passed in) to control render flow of our template!

Let's now restrict our querying to the notes we've made. This can be done using easily in our splash view by changing our Notes query to:


Notice that when the user is logged in, the request object contains a serialized version of the User object, complete with all of its fields and such.

The final thing we'll want to do is to an the ability to delete notes. This can be done by creating another view specifically for deletion, where we'll get one specific note (specified as a GET parameter) and subsequently delete it:

note = Note.objects.get(id=request.GET['id'])


Now, we have a notes app that has complete accounts support! This is just a stone throw from how we build large-scale user-based applications, such as social media sites. Notice that we are still just taking the core project structure from last week, but now sprinkling some nice Django sauce all over it!

Future Work

  • The delete functionality is actually rather insecure with respect to accounts. How can we edit the delete view to make this functionality more secure?
  • What other behaviour for on_delete could we support?


  1. Django Girls
  2. Django Documentation

And that's all, folks!

These notes were written by Arun Kirubarajan. All rights reserved.

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