CIS 192: Python Programming

Data Structures and Algorithms

Efficiently Implementing Ideas in Python

Writing efficient code is part of growing as a developer, and it's what seperates real programmers from the weak. Think back to CIS 121, why do we want to use Merge Sort over Bubble Sort? Long answer: it has to do with the complexity of O(n2)O(n^2) being asymptotically larger than O(nlogn)O(n \operatorname{log} n). Short answer: we care about good practice, and good practice is often nothing more than better performing code, especially in Python. In this lecture, I hope to convince you of this.

Disclaimer: we don't really care about asymptotic complexity much in this class. In fact, we primarily care about lines of code written, unless its egregiously poor performing code (think non-polynomial time). That being said, your employer/interviewer/collaborator will definitely care about code performance with theoretical grounding, so in this lecture we will make reference to the Big-O runtimes of various operations.


Let's take it to the basics. We want to store just some collection of things. That is, we want to maintain an unordered bag of objects. In math and computer science, this construct is known as a set. Similarly, in Python this is called a set (suprise, suprise).


We can instantiate one by calling set():

students = set()


Recall that sets maintain unique elements (no duplicates) and each inserted element is immutable (cannot be changed). We can insert into our newly created set by using the .add() method, which takes in any object as input. Or, we can also directly write elements into the curly braces:

other_students = {"Arun"}

Similarly, we can remove elements from a set by calling remove():



Checking if an element exists is one of the tidiest pieces of syntactic sugar from Python - we simply write the boolean expression pretty much in English using the in keyword:

if "Arun" in students:
    print("Arun is a student")

if "Arun" not in students:
    print("Arun was a figment of our imagination")

Sets in Python are truthy, which means that an empty set has a value of False and vice versa:

if students:
    print("Students exist")


Getting the length of a set is pretty much the same as with all data structures, and can be done by calling len(), and passing the set as an argument to the function:

number_of_students = len(students)

Why don't we just call something like students.length? We'll return to this in later lectures, but for now just consider this as a "gotcha" of Python.


Think back to CIS 160 and set operations such as intersection (i.e. ABA \cap B) and union (i.e. ABA \cup B). These operations are supported in Python, using their English vernacular:

odds = {3, 5, 7, 9}
primes = {3, 5, 7}

odd_primes = odds.intersection(primes)

The shorthand for this is set1 & set2, which makes sense if you think of intersection as an extension of the logical AND operation. Similarly, union can be expressed either by calling .union() or by calling set1 | set2. Symmetric difference between sets can be computed using the - operation, which also makes intuitive sense. Don't you just love Python?


How do we get a specific element from a set? Turns out, we can't. This is a limitation in the API of sets; they're mainly used as a means of checking existence of certain objects. Let's move onto data structures that we can index into, thus preserving some notion of order. Recall a tuple from CIS 120 as being an immutable sequence of elements.

Tuple Instantiation

In Python, we can declare a tuple by using regular brackets:

name = "Arun"
score = 100

student = (name, score)

Note that Python, like most sane languages, is designed to support 0-indexing. This is a nice compact way of expressing these two values such that we can index them later using the square notation that we are familiar with:

arun_score = student[1]

Some cool functionality supported by Python is negative indexing, this let us index by counting down from the end of the tuple:

arun_score = student[-1]

Tuples can also be defined without the braces. The following two lines of Python are equivalent:

student = (name, score)
student = name, score

Tuple *destructuring is also a really elegant way of instantiating multiple variables on the same line:

age, name, score = 20, "Arun", 100

This implicitly creates a tuple (age, name, score) = (20, "Arun", 100). Even if we don't end up explicitly using the defined tuple, we can still access its identifiers later in our code:


Even if you don't end up using tuples much in your code, you will definitely use the tuple variable instantiation paradigm often. I'll leave you with a cool parlour trick to think about - swapping variables in a single line without a temporary variable:

# instantiate variables
x, y = 5, 10
# swap
x, y = y, x
# clean up after blown mind


Tuples are designed to be immutable, so we actually can't change the contents of a tuple once it's been instantiated. That is, if we tried to set student[1] = 99, the code would crash. A little "gotcha" with tuples is that although the tuple itself cannot change, the values within the tuple are subject to mutation. This is because if we held a tuple of objects (which is no more than storing the memory locations of the objects), and the objects were to change, the tuple would still hold reference to the mutated objects.

A hack-y way to get around the lack of insertion with tuples is just to concatenate tuples together:

name = "Arun"
score = 100
age = 20

student = (name, score)

updated_student = student + (age)

A cool Python parlour trick is to repeat the contents of a tuple by multiplying by a contant, an extension of concatenation using +:

three_ones = (1) * 3
# this is equal to (1, 1, 1)


What if we wanted the indexing power of a tuple, but in the form of a mutable data structure, one that allows us to change the contents inside. Suprise suprise - we've arrived back at the array! In Python, these are lovingly known as lists. Lists are completely mutable objects that can contain any arbitrary datatype. This means that we can have a list containing strings, integers, and custom Koala objects,

List Instantiation

List declaration is extremely simple in Python. Similar to sets, we can either instantiate them by calling list() or by writing out the contents within a []:

students = ["Arun", "Kevin", "Bob"]

Similar to tuples, we can retrive a single value within a list by indexing into it using the square bracket notation:

# prints Arun

We can also index using negative indices to index from the end of an array:

print(students[-1]) # -> prints Bob


We can append values to a list using .append(), which is an O(1)O(1) operation in expectation:

students.append("Imposter Arun")

Similarly, we can remove elements from a list using .remove(), which is an O(n)O(n) operation in expectation (using linear search):


Concatenation using lists can be done using the + operator, as before:

old_students = ["Harry, Sumit"]
new_students = ["Arun"]
all_students = old_students + new_students


Iterating over lists is very elegant using the for _ in _ paradigm:

for student in students:
    # prints Arun, Kevin, Bob

Note that we can rename student in the above code to be x, or name or any other identifier. This is equivalent to a for each loop in languages such as Java or JavaScript.

If we had a nested list (a list of lists), we can iterate over each element using a nested for loop:

pixels = [[1, 4, 6], [1, 3, 5], [1, 5, 7]]
for row in pixels:
    for pixel in row:
        # prints each pixel


We can sort lists in a variety of ways. The first is to call sorted() on the list. This creates a copy of the original list:

numbers = [1, 5, 4, 12, 3, 0]
print(sorted(numbers)[0]) # -> prints 0
print(numbers[0]) # -> prints 1

The second way is to call .sort() on a list. This sorts the list in-place:

numbers = [1, 5, 4, 12, 3, 0]
print(numbers[0]) # -> prints 0

We can even sort in descending order by passing in a keyword arguement reverse:

numbers = [1, 5, 4, 12, 3, 0]
print(numbers[0]) # -> prints 12

There's also a way to define a custom sort by proving a keyword arguement key which is a function over the values in a list:

students = ["Arun", "Kevin", "Bob"]
students.sort(key=len) # -> sorts by length of each string
print(numbers[0]) # -> prints Bob

We can also use this key arguement to sort a list of tuples. By default, sorting a list of tuples operates on the first element of each tuple in the list. We can use the key arguement to sort by the second element in eachh tuple:

students = [("Arun", 50), ("Bob", 80), ("Kevin", 100)]
students.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
print(students[0]) # -> prints ("Kevin", 100)

We've thrown a couple of obscure concepts here: functions as objects and lambda functions. We'll cover both of these in our section on Functional Programming. Until then, feel free to think about these concepts only in the context of sorting lists!


We will re-introduce strings in the context of being a data structure. In particular, there are a variety of operations we can perform on them.

Recall that a string can be instantiated by defining the characters within quotations:

name = "Arun Kirubarajan"

Remember to note that strings are immutable, which means that we can only alter name by redefining a new string, either by concatenation (an O(n)O(n) operation), or by redefining the string completely.


Let's say we want to see if the string "Arun Kirubarajan" contains the substring "Arun". Since we are searching for a contiguous substring within the larger string, turns out we can just use our favourite in operator:

if "Arun" in name:
    print("First name exists!")


Now, imagine we have the need of actually computing the substrings within the string. This can be done using slicing, another elegant Python operation. To slice a string we just need to provide the starting index (inclusive), and the ending index (exclusive), seperated by a colon :.

first_name = name[0:4]
print(name) # -> prints Arun

In fact, the Python interpreter assumes that if no starting or ending index is provided, it will default to 0 and the length of the string respectively:

first_name = name[:4]
last_name = name[5:]

Finally, we can provide a value after a second second colon : to indicate the increment size of the indexing:

every_second_letter = name[::2]

Note that calling slicing using [::1] is equivalent to the identity function. A corrolary of this is that we can reverse a list quickly by providing a step size of -1:

reversed_name = name[::-1]

These slicing operations also apply to lists and tuples:

numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

letters = ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f')

How convenient!


One of the most common paradigms for storing information is in the form of a key-value pair. In CIS 120 and 121, we learned about HashMaps, which allow us to perform lookup, insertion/deletion and retrieval in O(1)O(1) time. Python's implementation of the hash table data structure is the dictionary. Furthermore, they're even easier to instantiate and use in Python. Dictionaries are mutable data structures that take a hashable object as a key and provide an arbitrary object as a value. This means immutable objects like numbers or strings can be used as keys, but not lists or dictionaries. Tuples are only hashable if their contents are hashable

Dictionary Instantiation

We can create a dictionary by either calling dict() or by writing out its contents within curly braces {} with comma separated key: value pairs:

scores = dict()
scores = {"Arun": 50, "Bob": 99}


We can insert into a dictionary simply by using the square brackets:

scores["New Student"] = 100
scores["Another Student"] = 90

We can confirm that these insertions work as expected by calling len on the dictionary, which works as expected.

We can also delete elements from a list using the del operator:

del scores["Arun"]

Default Dictionary

If we index into a dictionary with a key that doesn't exist, then our code will crash. We can check key existence with a dictionary by using the in operator:

if "Imposter Arun" not in scores:
    scores["Imposter Arun"] = 0
    scores["Imposter Arun"] = scores["Imposter Arun"] + 1

But sometimes, this isn't very compact. We can instantiate a dictionary with an initialized value by using the defaultdict package. We haven't covered imports yet, but this package is a module that comes bundled with Python (known as a first-party package) and includes a variety of useful features that we don't need to implement again.

At the top of our code we can add from collections import defaultdict, and we can now have a dictionary that has all of its values initialized to 0.

words = ["I", "am", "going", "to", "the", "store", "I", "like", "the", "store"]
counts = defaultdict()

for word in words:
    counts[word] += 1
    # do not need to worry about any errors!

By default, the defaultdictionary has all of its keys initialized to the default integer value of 0, but we can specify types by passing a data-type into the constructor of the default dict.

default_names = defaultdict(str)


Python is an object-oriented programming language, through and through. This means that all values such as integers, strings, and dictionaries are all considered objects to the Python interpreter. Here, we'll be taking a look at how to define and work with objects.


We can define an object using the class keyword:

class Koala:

The pass keyword indicates that there is no code to execute in the current block, and to escape to the next scope. Now, we can provide our Koala with as many member variables as we want:

koala = Koala() = "Bert"
koala.age = 2

Note that we didn't define Koala to have any public/private variables or anything like that. Instead, all member variables can be defined at runtime and by default every variable is public (in fact, private variables don't exist in Python). But let's say we want to initialize the supported member variables. We can do this in the equivalent of a constructor, otherwise known as an init function in Python:

class Koala:
    def __init__(self, name, age): = name
        self.age = age

The first thing to note here is the use of a self identifier. This is equivalent to this in Java, and it refers to the current object as context. The second thing to note is the double underscores before and after the init. The double underscores (hereby referred to as "dunders") show that this is a reserved function in Python. In fact, these types of methods with dunders in their names are called magic methods, and we'll cover them more in depth next lecture.


Let's say we have a class made to represent animals:

class Animal:
    def __init__(self, sound):
        self.sound = sound

    def make_sound(self):

If we want to re-use the functionality from Animal in our usage of Koala we can inherit from the parent class Animal by adding the parent class name within parentheses:

class Koala(Animal):
    def __init__(self, sound, name):
        Animal.__init__(self, sound) = name

    def say_name(self):
        print("My name is " +

Notice that we can call __init__ on the parent class to invoke the constructor, which overrides the constructor from the child class definition. We could do the same thing with the make_sound function, and a general rule of thumb is that we like to extend function definitions (like we do in the above example) rather than completely redefining them.


We've only scratched the surface with the different operations and member functions available to use for each data structure. I highly recommend checking out the documentation for collections and the data structures shown today, since a lot of quirky/specific uses are too broad to cover in a single lecture. As we progress in the course, you'll be exposed to different Pythonic syntactic sugar as well as other powerful paradigms for manipulating variables/information efficiently.

You might also be noticing some parallel APIs between lists, tuples, and strings. We'll make these similarities concrete when we talk about Iterators next lecture. For now, just appreciate how easy it is to remember all the various operations!

For now, some fun exercises would be to implement canonical algorithms from CIS 121 such as DFS, BFS, Djikstra, Merge Sort, and Union Find. You'll find that a vast majority of algorithms have an elegant solution in Python! I'll leave you with a 5 line implementation of DFS in Python (for a vertex node and a set of nodes named visited):

def dfs(node, visited):
    for neighbour in node.neighbours:
        if neighbour not in visited:
            dfs(neighbour, visited)

Ah, feels good.


  1. Sets - Python Docs
  2. In - Python Docs
  3. Tuples and Sequences - Python Docs
  4. Lists - Python Docs
  5. More List Methods - Python Docs
  6. Sorted - Python Docs
  7. Strings - Python Docs
  8. Dictionaries - Python Docs
  9. Default Dictionaries - Python Docs
  10. Classes - Python Docs
  11. Private Variables - Python Docs
  12. Inheritance - Python Docs
  13. Collections - Python Docs

And that's all, folks!

These notes were written by Arun Kirubarajan. All rights reserved.

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